Public system integration
With the aim of contributing to
local communities, we started adopting
ICT earlier than others.
K’s started offering public-sector solutions for municipalities, education, and healthcare in the 1980s, when the Internet was not yet widespread. While defining the contribution to local communities as our most important mission, we have promoted the introduction of ICT to each of these fields.
Municipality solutions
We offer the “smart contact system” that strongly advances municipal DX, and other digital-first solutions that realize everything, including clerical workload reduction, organizational reform, and improvement of services for residents.
Amid a rapidly aging society and a declining working population, the requests from residents are becoming increasingly diverse and complex. To cope with the ever-increasing number of tasks with a limited number of staff, it is necessary to perform operations more efficiently and rebuild a system to continuously provide stable administrative services for a digital society. K’s proposes DX solutions for these issues and supports the realization of a “resident-friendly digital society” that leaves no one behind, from children to the elderly.
Strengths of K’s
STRENGTH_01Responding swiftly to municipal operations that change with the times

In the 1980s, municipalities began to be expected to play a role in preserving critical data and protecting personal information. Against this background, around 1984, K’s launched a municipal division with the aim of supporting the development, installation, and operation of mission-critical systems centered on resident data management, which is one of the fundamental elements of municipal operations. Since then, we have steadily increased the number of organizations that trust us and entrust maintenance and operation by continuously proposing system modifications in response to national system revisions, and the installation and operation of systems suitable to each municipality. In the Great Heisei Merger, we were the first company to convert the mission-critical systems to a web system, and responded to the wave of digitization swiftly. Currently, in addition to responding to the “Standardization of Municipal Systems” promoted by the Digital Agency established in 2021, we have developed our own “smart contact system” as a new solution in line with the “Municipal DX Promotion Plan” and are proposing the reform of operations of municipal staff.
STRENGTH_02Numerous system engineers with extensive knowledge and experience in municipal operations

K’s system engineers have inherited a wealth of knowledge, experience, and skills in the installation, operation support, and system development of mission-critical systems for municipalities, which we have cultivated over the years. We will listen to your requests, analyze the current situation including potential issues, and propose optimal systems, operation methods, and improvement plans.
STRENGTH_03Sharing systems utilizing our own data center

“K’s OSC” makes it possible for multiple municipalities to share a system. This has the great advantage of reducing development and operation costs and avoiding risks such as system failures and IT personnel shortages.
- Shared use of a basic resident registration network system (1 city, 7 towns and 1 village): First in Japan
- Shared use of a family register integration system (2 cities and 3 towns): First in Japan
- Shared use of a system for issuing certificates at convenience stores (3 cities and 2 towns)
- Shared use of groupware for all municipalities in Tottori Prefecture (Tottori Government Intra-system): First in Japan
List of services
Mission-critical systems for municipalities
This system is the basis for a wide range of operations performed by municipalities, including resident recording, tax-related operations, and water supply and sewerage operations. We are able to provide one-stop support for everything ranging from the installation of a comprehensive administrative system to operational support to system development.
Work management system
This system supports “workstyle reform” by helping solve issues related to the working style of municipal staff, such as health issues caused by long working hours and unpaid overtime. It quantifies working hours and environment and supports the “visualization” of workstyles.
Future population estimate system
EBPM (evidence-based policy making; i.e., policy making based on objective evidence (reason and proof) such as statistical data and various indices) has been attracting attention in policy making that directly affects the lives of residents. K’s proposes a data-based future population estimate system based on our experience in dealing with integrated administrative systems for municipalities.
Issues that can be resolved
We can propose solutions to all kinds of issues related to municipal operations, such as staff shortages and operation costs related to the operation of computerized systems, in addition to streamlining the clerical work and improving the services provided to residents.
- Municipal DX
- Standardization of municipal systems
- Shared use of systems
- Resident contact service reform
- Workstyle reform
- Data utilization business
- Review of operation costs
- Groupware
Education solutions
We solve issues in the field of education with multifaceted solutions such as school support by professional staff including “ICT lesson planners,” introduction of support systems for school administration and classes, and in-school infrastructure development.
In order to realize “proactive, interactive, and profound learning” in school education, teachers and staff members are required to adopt a new learning style that incorporates digital technology. However, teachers and staff members are burdened with a wide range of school administration work, and overtime work has become an issue. Leveraging our long years of experience and knowledge in school and social education, Kʼs proposes solutions that contribute to the learning activities of the next-generation children by promoting ICT-based education and streamlining and standardization of school administration to reduce the burden on teachers and staff members.

Strengths of K’s
STRENGTH_01Started supporting the adoption of ICT in education earlier than others

Computers have been installed in all schools since 2000, and information education began in full swing in elementary and junior high schools from 2002 to 2006. In line with this, the ICT environment became more advanced, with classes that used Office software and the Internet, which had been popular up to that point, being replaced by classes using learning drill software and class support software and a large number of servers being installed in schools. Since that time, the development of the education market and technological changes have been remarkable, and we established an independent and specialized department as the Education Sales Department and started on a path of growth together with our customers. Today, as an ICT utilization professional, we continue to support school education, assist teachers and staff, and contribute to the growth of children every day.
STRENGTH_02Proposing solutions utilizing the knowledge of our specialized staff

For over 40 years, K’s has responded to a wide variety of needs, and has specialized staff with a wealth of know-how and skills cultivated in their respective fields. In the field of education, we propose optimal solutions by grasping customer issues from multiple perspectives as we have ICT education planners who are versed in the use of ICT to enhance the effectiveness of education, education supervisors who work with boards of education to support the entire region, and engineers who provide support from a technical perspective.
STRENGTH_03A comprehensive support system for ICT-based education

ICT lesson planners not only provide general ICT support services, such as operational support for teachers, staff and students and the maintenance of a classroom environment, but also propose lessons and support the creation of ICT-based teaching materials, which take into consideration the curriculum guidelines and school needs. In addition, we provide comprehensive services to support such education through the development of communication environment infrastructure in schools and communities. Furthermore, we are working to improve our technical skills related to educational tools such as Google and Apple, and deepening our knowledge of highly effective lesson content by studying under university professors, information expert teachers, and specialists in the field of education. We aim to propose plans for using ICT in the classroom that draw your students’ interests and curiosity.
List of services
ICT lesson planner
As an ICT lesson planner for promoting ICT-based education beyond the scope of work of ICT support staff, we support teachers and staff in various aspects so that they can implement classes with high learning effects by proposing ICT-based classes and creating contents for teaching materials to be used in those classes.
System for supporting school administration
This solution standardizes school operations and reduces the workload of busy teachers and staff in order to provide necessary guidance to children and students. In addition, K’s has established a help desk to respond to various inquiries and support teachers.
ICT education supervisor
We provide management and operational advice and other services based on our accumulated knowledge and expertise in the field of education and ICT for customers who are concerned about how to use tablets, to formulate operation rules and to operate tablets taken for home learning, BYOD (bring your own device), and other issues.
Library management system
The environment surrounding libraries is changing dramatically due to the declining birthrate, the aging population, rapid informatization, and the sophistication and diversification of residents’ needs. We support the DX of libraries by proposing new services such as e-books, measures against COVID-19, and the use of the Individual Number Card.
Issues that can be resolved
We provide a wide variety of solutions to promote ICT in education. We support educational facilities not only by introducing systems to schools and libraries, but also by providing solutions to issues from various perspectives, such as class support and school administration support.
- Streamlining paperwork
- Measures against COVID-19 for libraries
- Server consolidation
- Automatic grading for tests
- Effective teaching practices
- Supporting creation of teaching materials
- Supporting home learning
- Analyzing data on learning
Healthcare solutions
We propose optimal solutions by leveraging our knowledge gained through about half a century of experience in the healthcare business, including medical care, nursing care, and health checkups.
We provide comprehensive support, including the proposal for systems, the development, maintenance and operation of systems for all healthcare fields, including health checkups primarily for preventive medicine, medical care for disease treatment, and nursing care to support the elderly. In doing so, we identify operation issues unique to the industry and customers and propose optimal and highly effective solutions. We will continue to contribute to regional development based on the keyword of “comprehensive community care,” by creating an environment that links information on medical care, nursing care, and health checkups.

- [Medical institutions]
Packaging and security measures for electronic medical records and departmental systems, and developing, establishing, maintaining, and managing supplementary operation systems - [Nursing care providers]
Packaging and security measures for nursing care operation systems, and developing, establishing, maintaining, and managing supplementary operation systems - [Health checkup providers]
Packaging and security measures for health checkup systems, and developing, establishing, maintaining, and managing supplementary operation systems
Strengths of K’s
STRENGTH_01Started supporting the installation of systems in the healthcare field around 1980, earlier than competitors

It was around 1980 when K’s began its business of developing and supporting the installation of medical accounting systems for medical institutions. After that, we expanded our business by selling and installing Fujitsu’s HOPE series of medical accounting systems, and in 2000 and afterwards, when medical institutions shifted their mission-critical systems from medical accounting systems to electronic medical record systems covering the entire hospital, we also began selling and installing electronic medical record systems. Currently, we have expanded our business domain from healthcare to nursing care and health checkups, and currently provide systemization proposals and support more than 100 medical institutions.
STRENGTH_02Problem solving by staff with extensive expertise in healthcare, health checkups, and nursing care

Our staff with expertise in healthcare, health checkups, and nursing care identify issues unique to each customer and provide solutions to improve business operations, including proposals and construction of optimal systems. In addition, even after the system is put into operation, our experienced and specialized staff will provide reliable and accurate support for your operations. Utilizing the knowledge accumulated over many years, we respond quickly to ever-changing system revisions and back up our customers’ operations.
STRENGTH_03One-stop support to keep a system running

Systems related to healthcare, health checkups, and nursing care require thorough measures to prevent, avoid, and recover from trouble, due to the nature of operations in these fields. K’s can provide a one-stop service, including hardware sales, maintenance support, construction of an underlying network environment, and software sales, construction, and maintenance support. In the event of a system failure, K’s can provide a system that minimizes the impact on business operations by restoring the system in the shortest amount of time possible.
List of services
Supporting the installation and maintenance of electronic medical records, nursing care, and health checkup systems
We provide a full range of services from construction to maintenance of electronic medical record systems and nursing care provider systems, which are the customer’s mission-critical systems. We make proposals for business improvement, and in the installation phase, we analyze on-site operations, streamline duplicated work, and support effective business operations.
Medical and nursing care information linkage service
This service realizes information linkage with the medical coordination systems in each region for the purpose of developing a regional comprehensive care system set forth by the government. By building an environment that links medical and nursing care information already in place in each region, we will contribute to the creation of a community where the elderly living in areas they are familiar with can feel safe and secure.
Storage management and self-checkout
With a view to standardizing healthcare-related operations, this service was developed with the aim of reducing opportunities for direct cash transfers during the COVID-19 pandemic and reducing the workload of managing medical fees. The service also manages the payment and non-payment of medical fees, allows for quick confirmation of daily and monthly payment status, and enables the issuance of lists of payments and non-payments as well as demand letters.
Employment management services for medical institutions and nursing care providers
Against the backdrop of “Workstyle reform for Japanese doctors,” which will be promoted by the revised Medical Care Act to be enforced in April 2024, we provide comprehensive solution services that include both time management and nurse management functions. The service supports appropriate and efficient work management by centrally managing everything from time recording to applications for all staff in the hospital.
Issues that can be resolved
There are many issues in the medical and nursing care fields, including future government policies and directions, and responses to system revisions. K’s will propose optimal solutions to solve these issues, considering the role and environment of the customer’s region.
- Digitizing medical treatment, health checkup, and nursing care information
- Sharing medical and nursing care information
- Supporting home medical care
- Improving operational efficiency
- Improving storage management functions
- Supporting workstyle reforms
- Responding to nursing care data
- Responding to system revisions